Shibari is a feeling

Start your journey today with Shibari Mastery course.

Shibari is a feeling

Start your journey today with Shibari Mastery course.

Ken Burns

Webflow Ken Burns Effect

Shibari is a feeling

Start your journey today with Shibari Mastery course.

Ken Burns

Webflow Ken Burns Effect

Shibari is a feeling

Start your journey today with Shibari Mastery course.

Ken Burns

Webflow Ken Burns Effect

Shibari is a feeling

Start your journey today with Shibari Mastery course.

Ken Burns

Webflow Ken Burns Effect

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Unlock the art of Shibari with our FREE Course.

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What is Shibari?

Building trust in intimate relationships

artistic self-expression, meditative & mindful practice

Shibari is a traditional Japanese art form that involves the intricate and artistic tying of ropes around the body. Originally developed as a form of erotic bondage, it has evolved into a broader practice encompassing artistic expression, meditation, and a celebration of the beauty of the human form.

Shibari Courses

Explore Shibari's artistry in our curated courses, perfect for all levels. Immerse yourself in the transformative journey of Shibari, where passion meets proficiency.

Shibari Courses

Explore Shibari's artistry in our curated courses, perfect for all levels. Immerse yourself in the transformative journey of Shibari, where passion meets proficiency.

About picture of Voudou Ropes founder

Hi, I'm Anastasia

I am happy to be your guide to the sensual journey of shibari.

I have been discovering shibari for myself for 6 years, constantly learning and developing my own style.​

I've been giving private and group shibari lessons for 3 years. Also, I had exhibitions of my shibari installations in Moscow and Mexico City.

For me shibari is an art of wordless communication. The art of stopping the time for your partner to let them enjoy the moment. The art of empowering your partner by bounding him. The art of caring and giving.

I feel that it’s time to share my approach to shibari with you!

What my students say.

"She really does a good job teachnig the fundamentals... and then she really gives you a lot of space to be creative with Shibari. I really like the perspective she give on Shibari."


“I have no words ‘cause I was so fully in my body and my heart during the experience… You have helped me to love myself deeper. Thank you so much… It was pure magic.”


“It was one of the only times I have done this before and she made me feel so safe and sensual, so connected to my body. One of the best, deeply nourishing experiences that I had in a long time. Thank you Anastasia.”


"I love how Anastasia is providing a different perspective of Shibari. More conscious, more intimate, more playful one, with yourself and your partner… I think everyone should try and challenge what they think Shibari is.”


"I had followed classes and watched videos, but I’m making so much more progress that I ever had now that I work with Anastasia… She is the best… Highly recommend.”

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Shibari benefits

- Intimate Connection: Deeper connection between partners.
- Artistic Expression: Unique outlet for artistic expression.
- Mindful Practice: Meditative and calming experience.
- Sensuality and Exploration: Embrace your desires.
- Self-Discovery: Exploring personal boundaries.

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Unlock the art of Shibari with our FREE Course.

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