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8 Best Shibari Books to Improve your Knowledge

March 4, 2022

Hello my curious friends! You probably are wondering, if there is any good reading about shibari. Yes, there is! Here is a starter list of best shibari books for beginners, from my opinion as a shibari expert! For each book I've given a  very short description on why I like it, and the types of information they contain.

You can also watch this video, where I describe these books.

8 Best Shibari Books

1.  Knots and Knot Lore

Cyrus L. Day 

If you want to know more about the connection between knots and folklore, this is the work you need to read. Very interesting insight on the meaning of ropes.

Read it here

2. Yoshiwara

Cecilia Segawa Seigle (1993)

An easy-to-read book about the culture of a pleasure district of Edo period in Japan , the Yoshiwara quarter. How is this connected to shibari? Read it and find out!

Link here

3. The sexual life of Japan being an exhaustive study of the nightless city or the History of the Yoshiwara Yūkwaku 

Great significance and value to literature. When you have already learned the basics of Yoshiwara life from book#2, you can get to this one and dive deeper.

4. Fertility and Pleasure: Ritual and Sexual Values in Tokugawa Japan

Willian R. Lindsey

This is a great book for understanding the patterns of sexual behavior in the Edo period. It shows you the rituals a woman had to deal with on different stages of life. Transitions from a daughter to a wife, or to a courtesan, from a courtesan to a wife. Although, it's not really about shibari, it will help you understand love aspects of Japanese culture better.

Click here to find this book

5. Sense & Shibari: A Sociological Re-evaluation of the Knowledge of Rope bondage


This  dissertation  was one of the first pieces of literature I read about shibari. The author got  into shibari and talked to rope people, studying the ways that people make sense of the Japanese rope tradition and exploring the psychological aspects of this art.

6. Essence of Shibari: Kinbaku and Japanese Rope Bondage

Shin Nawakiri

Everybody who has ever delved into learning more about shibari probably already knows about this one. This shibari book has a little bit of theory, and ties to practice, that are very good for beginners! I also like the description of shibari by Shin, as it helps you to understand the variety of ways of practicing shibari.

Link here

7. Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes: A Step-by-Step, Illustrated Guide for Tying Sensual and Decorative Rope Bondage

Morpheous (Also known as Knotty Boys!)

This book is by the very well known Knotty Boys. It is a very nice practical guide with full color pictures and step-by-step instructions, that are easy to follow.

Link here

8. Gestalta Teaches Shibari Suspensions


This is my favorite shibari practice book. I’m not saying that others are not good, but this one is just so well done! It covers everything you need to know, from safety, theoretical aspects, and gives a very detailed guide!  I love that Gestalta not only shows how to do things, but explains why you do them that way.

Best Shibari Books for Beginners

I hope my list of best shibari books helps you choose your first book! Enjoy reading!
Do you have any other recommendations of shibari books for beginners? 

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I feel that it’s time to share my approach to shibari with you!I have been discovering shibari for myself for 6 years, constantly learning and developing my own style.